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Prerequisite: PECS Level 1 Training Workshop Certificate of Attendance
Cost: $540.00 Valid for 3 years
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the PECS protocol and the Pyramid Approach to Education by completing an examination, achieving a score of 90% or greater. Upon passing, proceed to PECS Level 1 Practice Demonstration.
Demonstrate basic competency in implementing the PECS protocol and the Pyramid Approach to Education. Requirements include demonstrating (live or via video) Phases I through VI, including a basic attribute lesson, completing instructional plans, data sheets, and a description of how PECS is being implemented within two functional activities. A self-evaluation for all submitted demonstrations and written assignments is also required. Candidates have one year from the application date to complete the requirements.
Prerequisite: Current PECS Level 1 Implementer Certificate & PECS Level 2 Training Certificate of Attendance
Cost: $540.00 Valid for 3 years
Demonstrate problem solving and knowledge of teaching advanced skills in the PECS protocol and the Pyramid Approach to Education by completing an examination, achieving a score of 90% or greater. Upon successful completion, proceed to PECS Level 2 Practice Demonstration.
Demonstrate advanced competency in applying knowledge of the PECS protocol and the Pyramid Approach to Education. Requirements include demonstrating (live or via video) the implementation of Phases I through VI within different functional activities, teaching an advanced attribute lesson and an advanced Phase VI lesson, completing instructional plans and data sheets that correspond to the demonstrated lessons. A self-evaluation for all submitted demonstrations and written assignments is also required. Candidates have one year from the application date to complete the requirements.
*The PECS Level 1 and Level 2 Knowledge Examinations are also available to take independent of the PECS Implementer Certification Program. The fee is $25.00 and the examination certificates are valid for 2 years.
Prerequisite: Current PECS Level 2 Implementer Certificate & Pyramid Approach to Education Training Certificate of Attendance
Cost: $1500.00 Valid for 3 years
Demonstrate skills related to analyzing and providing feedback about PECS implementation, understanding Skinner’s (1957) analysis of Verbal Behavior and the Pyramid Approach to Education and show competency in presenting a PECS Overview. Requirements include completing an application to the program, attending PECS Manager Training, presenting an overview on PECS, providing feedback on PECS implementation, completing examinations and self-evaluations for all requirements. This program is for people who work in educational and residential organizations, it is not intended for those who work in private practice. The PECS Manager Certification is not a train the trainers program, it is for those who want to be a leader in PECS overseeing PECS fidelity within their place of employment.
PECS Certified Implementers and Managers may maintain their respective certificate level by completing related trainings and renewal demonstration requirements provided by Pyramid Educational Consultants prior to the certificate expiration date. Training hours and requirements are different for each level. Each renewal certificate is valid for 3 years.
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