There are mandates in the field of special education that are now requiring “Evidence-Based Practices.” There have been over 150 published articles providing evidence of the effectiveness of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Highlighted below are organizations that recognize PECS as an Evidence-Based Practice along with peer review articles. See full list of research articles.
  • In 2008, The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) adopted PECS as one of 27 Evidence-Based Practices. These practices are selected based on their efficacy proven through peer-reviewed research. NPDC is comprised of multiple universities that research and promote the use of Evidence-Based Practices on ASD.
  • Research Autism is a charity dedicated to researching interventions in autism. Their website has a series of common interventions that are ranked based on “what scientific evidence has been published in peer-reviewed journals.” PECS has been given two ticks on their rating scale, indicating “strong positive evidence” for the quality of evidence supporting PECS as an intervention.

Their opinion of PECS:

“Very strong positive evidence.”

It is a straightforward and positive approach, cost effective and not overly time consuming to implement.

– Research Autism